In Thew News

Shaping the Conversation

Diabetes Connections

Listen as Matthew Tremellen shares how his frustration with limited diabetes education led him to create DiabeticU, a platform designed to simplify diabetes management.

Passionate Pioneers

Our CEO, Matthew Tremellen joined the Passionate Pioneers Podcast with Mike Biselli to discuss Redesigning Diabetes Care: From personal journey to comprehensive solution.

T1Dstrong Interview

Matthew Tremellen sat down with Erin Poche to discuss his journey with Type 2 diabetes, the DiabeticU platform, and the DiabeticU Impact Award!

Healthtech Innovators

DiabeticU founder, Matthew Tremellen joined the Delta Healthtech Innovators podcast with Dr. Roupen Odabashian to discuss the DiabeticU platform and his journey.

CEO Weekly

Matthew Tremellen talked with CEO Weekly on how he turned his personal battle with diabetes into DiabeticU, an innovative diabetes management platform.

Press Release

DiabeticU, is developing an innovative platform designed to simplify diabetes management with personalized tools for meal planning, education and more.